The monthly financial advantage of buying the part rather than making it would be $120,000.
Step-by-step explanation:
Analyze the Total incremental costs for each alternative. Incremental costs are relevant costs that will only change as a result of the decision taken.
Take note, I have removed the common 40% fixed costs in my calculation as this is not relevant and remains regardless of which decision is taken.
Incremental Costs of Making 30,000 units of part MR24
Fixed Costs ($150,000 x 60 %) $90,000
Variable Costs ($11 x 30,000 units) $330,000
Total $420,000
Incremental Costs of Buying 30,000 units of part MR24
Purchase Price ($10 x x 30,000 units) $300,000
Total $300,000
The monthly financial advantage of buying the part rather than making it would be $120,000 ($420,000 - $300,000).