corn = α1 price + β1 income + u1 <=== Demand equation
corn = α2 price + β2 rainfall + γ2 rainfall 2 + u2 <=== Supply equation.
Step-by-step explanation:
corn = α1 price + β1 income + u1 …………………………………………. (1)
corn = α2 price + β2 rainfall + γ2 rainfall 2 + u2 …………………….. (2)
From the above, equation (1) is the demand equation while equation (2) the supply equation.
Equation (1) is the demand equation because parts of the factors determining the demand for a product are the price of the product itself and the income of the buyers. However, rainfall is NOT one of the factors determining the demand for a product.
Equation (2) is the supply equation because parts of the factors determining the supply a product are the price of the product itself and other factors such as rainfall for corn in this case. However, income of the buyers is NOT one of the factors determining the supply for a product.