Step-by-step explanation:
- Mindful communication: listen more, talk carefully; Communication is the first aspect to work on.
- Challenge stereotypes; In every day situations, our cultural and educational patterns may be more difficult to identify.
- Avoid assumptions; One of the most common mistakes in every day interactions is to make assumptions.
- Ask yourself and others (the right) questions; As you may have understood from the previous points, a fundamental practice to be more inclusive Question.
- Be aware of your privileges; We also need to consider how this position may affect individuals situation in less privileged positions, according to the same system.
- Be proactive in educating yourself on the topic; Working collectively and feeling part of a community with common goals leads to more effective and suitable results for all.
- Stay open, stay curious, and do not fear mistakes; becoming and remaining inclusive is a process, not an objective to be achieved. As in all processes, it is important to remain open and curious, to continue looking for opportunities to learn about various topics.