Staying in distance learning can slow the transmission because when people do this, they reduce the spread since they are distancing themselves from others. According to "Unprecedented call to Americans: Stay home to slow CORONA spread.", "When people stay home, it can help prevent hospitals from becoming overwhelmed with a spike in patients." Staying in distance learning is also flexible because you can learn from the comfort of your home. According to "Online Learning in the Time of CORONA: What are the Pros and Cons?", "A major benefit of online education is the convenience of it all, allowing students to log on when they see fit. With the wide availability of Wi-Fi connections, students can be logged in from anywhere in the world."
Article names: "Unprecedented call to Americans: Stay home to slow CORONA spread." & "Online Learning in the Time of CORONA: What are the Pros and Cons?"
Look up the article names and you'll find the l i n k s. Note: I'm speaking in code words. So every time I said "CORONA", I meant CO VID- 19. It won't let me say CO VID- 19 or put any l i n k s.
Hope this helped!