Review the passage again, paying careful attention to the last paragraph.
Now there could be no doubt about what was intended for us. With my very ears I heard President Nasser's speech on 26 May. He said:
"We intend to open a general assault against Israel. This will be total war. Our basic aim will be to destroy Israel."
On 2 June, the Egyptian Commander in Sinai, General Mortagi, published his Order of the Day, calling on his troops to wage a war of destruction against Israel. Here, then, was a systematic, overt, proclaimed design at politicide, the murder of a State.
The policy, the arms, the men had all been brought together, and the State thus threatened with collective assault was itself the last sanctuary of a people which had seen six million of its sons exterminated by a more powerful dictator two decades before.
—Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban,
June 6, 1967
In the last sentence, Eban states that Israel is the "sanctuary of a people which had seen six million of its sons exterminated by a more powerful dictator two decades before.” To which event is he referring?
the first Arab-Israeli War
World War I
the Holocaust
the Six-Day War