1. Gentrification and unfair real estate practices.
2. Gentrification.
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Suburbs can be segregated. Throughout history, gentrification has pushed low-income residents out of their communities. This has led to homelessness or "ghettos." In the twentieth centry, white real estate agents would use scare tactics rooted in racisim to encourage or discourage white people from moving to a particular area. Since, blacks, at the time, couldn't afford suburban living, whites ended up dominating the area.
2. A "permanent underclass" has developed in many cities. This has been a result of gentrification, unfair real estate practices, and white flight. During the mid-twentieth centry, real estate agents would purposely segreate areas by increasing the price of homes or forbidding the districution of loans to blacks. Unfortunately today the effects can still be seen of this pratice. Low-income areas have been created due to influxed in home pricing and gentrification.