The chart below shows the dates of eclipses in the years 2006 and 2007. What is the
best explanation for the frequency of eclipses?
March 14, 2006
March 29, 2006
September 7, 2006
September 22, 2006
March 3, 2007
March 19, 2007
August 28, 2007
September 11, 2007
Eclipse Type
Lunar, Penumbral
Solar, Total
Lunar, Partial
Solar, Annular
Lunar, Total
Solar, Partial
Lunar, Total
Solar, Partial
Where Visible
N. and S. America
S. America, Africa, W. Asia
Europe, Africa, Asia
S. America, Antarctica
Americas, Africa, Europe
Alaska, Asia
Asia, Aus.. Americas
S. America, Antarctica
A. The atmospheric conditions that cause eclipses are only found at certain
locations and times of year.
B. The Moon's orbit is tilted relative to the plane of the Earth's orbit. About every
six months, the Sun, Moon and Earth are aligned enough for a solar and a lunar
eclipse to occur.
C. The Earth and Moon orbit the Sun in opposite directions. When the Moon's
orbit crosses the Earth's orbit, a lunar or solar eclipse will occur.
D. A lunar or a solar eclipse occurs every time the Moon orbits the Earth. The Moon
orbits the Earth four times a year.