Lithium, Li
Step-by-step explanation:
Metallic elements are elements which form ions by loss of electrons. They are electropositive elements. During the formation of compounds, they easily give up or donate their electrons to other atoms to become positively charged ions. Examples of metals include, sodium, lithium, magnesium, etc
The ionization process of metals is generally shown below:
X ---> X+ + e-
Where X is a metal, and e- rare electrons
Non-metals are elements which form ions by gain of electrons. They are electronegative elements. During the formation of compounds, they accept electrons from electropositive elements to form negatively charged ions or anions. Examples of non-metals include oxygen, chlorine, iodine, etc.
The ionization process of non-metals generally, is shown below:
Y + e- ----> Y-
Semi-metals like silicon, usually form compounds by sharing of electrons with other elements.