Step-by-step explanation:
So, lets start off by thinking about what we know is in both cells, and rule out from there.
There are just some basic things you need in eukaryotic cells, those include the following:
- Nucleus
- cell membrane
- mitochondria
- cytoplasm(dont get confused with chloroplast)
- Rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum
- Golgi vescile
- Golci apparatus
- Nucleolus(Dont get confused with nulceus)
Here are jsut a few examples of what can be found in both plant and animal cells, however we can already rule out all of the following except for:
Because remember, c talks about the chlorplast, which is not the chlorplasm found in both plant anf animal cells, its just the chloroplast found in plant cells.
Although I gave the asnwer to you. Here are some things that are in plant cells that arent in animal cells:
- Cell wall
- vacioles
- central vaciole
- chlroplast
- plastids
Animal cells on the other hand, have a few things that plant cells do not as well:
Hope this helps! ;)