presents endless possibilities to experience and appreciate . This is the correct option. The author, John Muir , refers to this idea when he says: "....and glorying in God's abounding inexhaustible spiritual beauty bread. ...were welcomed as friends. " The words abounding and inexhaustible refer to endless possibilties. He also uses the phrase spiritual beauty bread. This means that nature can be eaten like bread and the taste of nature can be tasted or appreciated. Plants, storms , thunderstorms and winds in the woods are in the beauty bread.
These options are not right:
-is filled with countless opportunities to discover rare plants. The writer sets the focus on nature as a whole not just on plants.
-needs to be conquered and controlled by human exploration. The writer enjoys nature ; he is not interested in controlling it.
-offers many unique challenges for the mind, body, and spirit. The writer enjoys nature ; he does not see it as challenging.