Cups are a measure of volume (0.24 liters), not a linear measurement like height. The height of a 1 cup measure can vary, but on average, a typical measuring cup may be around 10 cm tall. This is not a standard measurement and would depend on the specific cup used.
The question, "How tall, in cm, is 1 cup?" seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding, as cups are a unit of volume, not height. To clarify, a cup is a measure of capacity used in cooking to measure liquids or bulk, dry foods, and it is equal to 8 fluid ounces or approximately 0.24 liters.
Since cups measure volume, not linear dimensions like height, we can't define a standard height for a cup without knowing the shape of the container. However, if we have a specific cup in mind - for example, a standard measuring cup used in cooking - we could measure or research the height of that specific cup design.
In practice, for a typical measuring cup, the height can vary depending on the brand and design but generally ranges around 10 cm tall. Keep in mind this is an average estimate and not a standardized measurement. If you ever need to measure the height of a liquid in centimeters, you'd pour the liquid into a graduated cylinder or another measuring tool marked with linear measurements.