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Natural selection vs artificial​

1 Answer

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Please read the explenation for I must go into detail to explain this.

Step-by-step explanation:

So before I answer your question, I am going to explain what the two things are.

Natural selection:

Natural selection is the evolution of traits in a species due to changes in genetics that is mainly caused by enviormental problems and changes.

If this is a bit confusing, here is an example:

Lets say that a Mandarin beatroot lizard is being killed off by the Mandarin carrot bird because all the trees in the area have turned yellow. 100 years from the time this happened, the Mandarin beatroot lizard that's population was 85% red and 15% yellow is now 90% yellow and only 10% red.

This is because of natural selection. THe Mandarin carrot bird was killing a large portion of the red population. The yellow population was killed only occasionaly. When the Madarin beatroot lizard went to breed, there were more yellow lizards breeding than red lizards. If you know how genetics work, then you know that in simple terms, this means more lizards will be yellow in the next genetration.

Slowl;y as the generations passed, more and more yellow lizards were bred and born. 100 years later, over generations and generations, the population was almost coimpeltly yellow.

Artifical selection:

Artifical selection is where the human race selects a species and bred specific organisms of that species so that the specific trait being bred for is more evident in the species.

Again, if this is confusing, here is an example:

The lab NV-110 was taking bearlybubble wolves with shorter noses and breeding them together. After 30 years, and many generations, the bearlybubble wolves had noses that were half a inch shorter than the orginal bearlybubble wolves. When the new wolves were let into the forest they had been taken from, half of the died in the first week due to starvation.

The humans took specific traits in a species and bred them together, this process was repeated over 30 years. The specific trait of the new generation of orgniasms has been changed, but this change affected the orgnaisms survive, and was dentrimental to the species.

So now knowing the two things, what do you think the difference is? Think about ti for a minute before reading more.

The difference betweent the two types of selection is:

  1. Artifical selection can harm or possibly nuetral for the organism, wheareas natural selection will be helpful or nuteral to the organism.
  2. Artifical selection involves humans, wheareas naturals election does not,
  3. Artifical selection does not need any specific change in the enviorment or world to happen, wheareas natural selection does.
  4. Artifical selection is usally quicker than natural selction for artificial selection is purposful breeding, whereas natural selection is by-chance breeding.

I hope this make sense to you, I can try to make this simpler or more detailed if you want me to. ;)

User Ray Waldin
6.9k points