4 votes
7- Calculator

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Create a simple calculator program.
Create 4 functions - add, subtract, multiply and divide.
These functions will print out the result of the operation.
In the main program, ask the user to enter a letter for the operator to enter 2 float input values.
After the user enters the values, ask the user what operation they want to perform on the values-A, S, M, D or E to Exit
Make sure you check for divide by O.
Your program should continue until E is typed.
upload or copy your python code to the submission

1 Answer

4 votes


In this tutorial, we will write a Python program to add, subtract, multiply and ... In this program, user is asked to input two numbers and the operator (+ for ... int(input("Enter Second Number: ")) print("Enter which operation would you like to perform?") ch = input("Enter any of these char for specific operation +,-,*,/: ") result = 0 if .

Step-by-step explanation:

User Steve Roberts
6.7k points