1. Mitosis
2. K. Solid particles or liquid are taken up by a cell through invagination of the plasma membrane
3. L. in both the mitochondria and the cytoplasm, and requires energy.
4. J. an increase in the activation energy for the pathway.
5. K. donor, and divide by mitosis.
Step-by-step explanation:
The sources of genetic variation in a population with sexual reproduction are 1-mutation, which can be defined as genetic changes in the genome of an organism that create new alleles in the population, 2-independent assortment, where pairs of homologous chromosomes are randomly separated, during meiosis, 3-fertilization, where two gametes held together to form the zygote cell (thereby creating new genetic combinations), and 4-recombination or crossing over (i.e., the exchange of genetic material between non-sister chromatids during meiosis). Endocytosis is a cellular process by which substances enter into the cell by invagination of the cell membrane (this term is contrary to exocytosis). In eukaryotic cells, mitochondria are organelles whose membranes produce ATP from ADP and Pi by aerobic respiration (i.e., by the Krebs Cycle and electron transport chain), while glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm. This process requires the addition of energy (chemical energy in the form of organic compounds). An energy pathway that has many small regulated steps is expected to produce intermediate products and increase its activation energy. Finally, stem cells that derive from a donor and are genetically identical it is expected that divide by mitosis.