Johnson and Leone (Statistics and Experimental Design in Engineering and the Physical Sciences, John Wiley, 1977) describe an experiment conducted to investigate warping of copper plates. The two factors studied were temperature and the copper content of the plates. The response variable is the amount of warping. Some of the data are as follows:_____.
40 100 Temperature (°C) 50 75 100 Copper Content (%) 60 80 16, 21 24, 22 18, 13 17, 12 18, 21 25, 23 23, 21 23, 22 17, 20 12,9 16, 12 21, 17 28, 27 27,31 30, 23 125 29, 31
Do a complete analysis. Your analysis should include the following 1. What are the factors, respective factor levels and the response variable? 2. Check the two assumptions. 3. Check overall model significance using ANOVA table 4. Check the significance of Interaction effect and Main effects (If necessary) 5. Conclusion.