The correct answer is - 2CO2 or two molecules of carbon dioxide.
Step-by-step explanation:
The TCA cycle or citric acid cycle is a central pathway of cellular respiration that helps in unifying several metabolites and generates energy for cellular functions. It takes place over eight different steps:
Step 1: Acetyl CoA enters the citric acid cycle that is a 2-carbon compound and attaches with 4-carbon compound oxaloacetate to form citrate a 6 carbon compound
Step 2: This 6-carbon compound isocitrate
Step 3: 5 carbon compound alpha-ketoglutarate is produced by oxidizing the isocitrate and release the release of carbon dioxide. One NADH molecule is formed.
Step 4: This 5 carbon molecule is oxidized again to form a four-carbon compound that binds with CoA to make forming succinyl CoA. A second molecule of NADH is produced, alongside a second molecule of carbon dioxide.
Step 5: Succinyl CoA is then converted to succinate with GTP formation
Step 6: Succinate is converted into fumarate with the generation of FADHâ‚‚ molecule.
Step 7: Fumarate is converted to malate
Step 8: oxaloacetate is formed with the NADH molecule.