Explain the relationship between the key terms in
each of the following pairs.
A. Physical dependence is the body's need for a drug to function, while withdrawal is the physical illness one experiences when they do not meet this need.
B. Medicine is a legal substance that one takes to help recover from an illness. Drugs are an illegal substance that one takes to alter their brain.
C. Drug tolerance is when a user needs to take more of a drug to reach a high. Addiction is the mental or physical need fulfill a need at any cost.
D. Over-the-counter medicine is any non-addictive substance that you can buy without a doctor's note (such as aspirin). Meanwhile, a prescription is a potentially addictive substance or dangerous substance to take without a doctor's recommendation and consent.
E. Active ingredients are the important parts of the medicine that help with symptoms (inactive being coloring or binding agents). Interaction is how the active ingredients inside of two or more substances react to each other.
Section 1
3. Not all drugs are medicines because some drugs' only purpose is to alter the brain but have no real known cure to medical conditions that require medicine.
4. Three key characteristics of a good medicine are effectiveness, safety, and minor side effects.
5. From natural resources and chemicals made in a laboratory.
6. C. Relieve pain
7. drugs normally enter the body orally in the form of a pill. Other methods include through the lungs by smoking, and through the veins when injected.
8. Some drugs are called drugs of abuse because they are a higher risk of addiction and what addicts look for. These are commonly misused, or abused. (Such as Oxycodone or Adderall)
9. Medicines can affect how long you live, generally for a longer time, to combat eradicated illnesses that may otherwise could have killed you. Most medicines heal infections and effects your body cannot fight alone.
10. Clinical trials are used to better understand how people will react to the use of a newer medicine. They use this to improve if needed, but to understand the risks in a safe and controlled environment.
11. Some drugs are only available by prescription because the general population should not be freely allowed to use high-risk or addictive substances.
12. C. Brand Name
13. Four symptoms of using NSAIDS (aspirin) for example, include indigestion, headaches, drowsiness, and dizziness.
14. You should ask the doctor if it will help your symptoms, if there are any life styles changes you should make while on the medication, and what the possible side effects are.
15. The advantages of being an active member of your healthcare team are that you understand the health and safety measures in a given event, you are knowledgeable about how to care for a loved one, and you have a better overall understanding of the physical body.
16. Messages are sent to the brain when neurotransmitters are released and travel across the synapse and attach themselves to receptors, which process the neurotransmitters, thus creating a message.
17. Some drugs affect emotions by increasing them or expressing them inappropriately because you are not entirely in control of yourself when you are taking a drug.
18. Four behaviors that could be warning of drug abuse and addiction are increased impulsivity, lacking one's responsibilities, legal troubles, and suddenly changing one's appearance, friend group, or activities.
19. Withdrawal plays the role of an outbreak in many negative symptoms in a user when they try to stop taking a drug, as the body's attempt to get one to re-engage.
20. Drug addiction is preventable to a certain extent. Drug use tends to be somewhat glamorized to people who are feeling low or come from challenging backgrounds. The idea of escaping one's reality is tempting to almost everyone at some point. While knowledge is power and we can spread awareness of the epidemic, it does not necessarily mean it will be prevented in every case, but hopefully in many.