Present Tense of Irregular VerbS -Part IlI ( -ZCO)
H. Complete the Spanish sentences.
1. It is impossible to drive this car.
Es imposible ___Conducir __ este coche.
2. The sun disappears behind a cloud. (desaparecer)
El sol------------------------- detras de una nube.
3.The house seems very small. (parecer)
Lacasa ____________________ muy pequefia.
4. I always obey my parents.(obedecer)
Siempre ____________ _______ a mis padres.
5.The children recognize their teacher's voice. (reconocer)
Los nifios _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___________ la voz de su maestra.
6.I am translating the book into English. (traducir)
________________________ el libro al ingles.
7.The farmer produces many vegetables. (producir)
El campesino ________ __ _ muchas legumbres.
I. Translate into Spanish.
1. Do you recognize the problem? --------¿Reconocoes tú el problema? (reconocer)
2. They are not translating these sentences. --------------------------------(traducir)
3. The money disappears quickly. __________________________________________________(desaparecer)
4. The guide leads the travelers through the city. --------------------------(conducir)
5. Those roses seem beautiful. _______________________(parecer)
6. We offer some pictures to the museum. ---------------------------(ofrecer)
7. The notice appears in the newspaper. ____________(aparecer)