The correct answer is:
- Live: Vivo
- Have: Tengo
- Was born: nací
- Teaches: Enseña
- Is: es
- Are: son
- Work: Trabajar
- Lives: vive
- Came: Vino
- Has grown: ha crecido* (has grown old= ha envejecido)
- Cooks: cocina
- Do: hacemos
- Like: Gustamos
- To go: ir
- Likes: gusta
- Play: jugamos
- Laugh: reimos
- Have: tenemos
- Love: amo
Step-by-step explanation:
In this exercise I have translated the verbs according to the people who are carrying out the action in the text, to make it easier for you to understand.
Remember that a verb is the kind of word with which actions, processes, states or existence that affect people or things are expressed; it has variation of time, aspect, mode, voice, number and person and functions as the nucleus of the predicate.