5 votes
Choose the word or phrase that best matches the word in italics.

he searched DOGGEDLY for his favorite socks
with great determination
on all fours
with agitation
choose the word or phrase that best matches the word in italics
the star of this summersblockbuster couldnt walk a block without being ACCOSTED by fans
laughed at
listened to
choose the word or phrase that best matches the word in italics
the boisterous children were practically bouncing off the walls by the end of the school day
choose the correct vocabulary word for the blank in the following sentence
when someone hurts you the desire for _____ is strong
choose the correct vocabulary word for the blank in the following sentence
the hunter snuck up on the ____ in order to conduct a suprise attack
choose the correct vocabulary word for the blank in the following sentence
she enjoyed walking at night and breathing in the refreshing ___ air
choose the correct vocabulary word for the blank in the following sentence
his new sneakers were ___ by everyone in his classroom. they all wished they could have them
choose the correct vocabulary word for the blank in the following sentence
someone left me a ____ message on my voicemail; i had no idea what it meant
the most dangerous game is mostly about
an intense contest between 2 hunters
the relationship between 2 men who disagree
the differences between the lives of the wealthy and poor
the reasons for and against hunting
does connell create suspense at the beginning of the most dangerous game
the story begins with dialogue not description
whitney refers to captain nielson a mysterious figure
whitney describes the mysterious reputation of the island they are passing
whitney and rainsford plan to go hunting in the amazon
in the most dangerous game the character of zaroff serves as a(n) ________ to the protagonist sharply contrasting rainsfords personality
what does the following quote from the cask of amontillado reveal about montresors intentions ....... pass your hand i said over the wall you cannot help feeling the nitre indeed it is very damp once more let me implore you to return no then i must positively leave you but i must first rendor you all the little attentions in my power....
he is sincerely concerned about fortuntos well being
he wants to make sure that fortunato does not suspect his motives
he hopes fortunato will prevent him from committing the planned murder
he wants to warn fortunato that his death is near
in the short story the cask of amontillado poes use of a(n)_____ narrator to tell the story heightens the uncertainty and sense of horror felt by the reader
in the raven which details of the setting contribute least to the poems mysterious and despairing mood
the room is dimly lit
the room is decorated with busts of ancient gods
the story takes place on a midnight dreary during a bleak december
the heavy purple curtains have an uncertain rustling
the poetic device device used in the line below is an example of ____
for the moon never beams without bringing me dreams
internal rhyme
a simile
read the following line from edgar allan poes the bells
how they clang and clash and roar
what effect does the authors use of onomatopoeia have on the reader
it helps create emotion
it adds to the suspense
it explains the theme of the poem
it allows the reader to remember the poem more easily
in the lottery how does the fact that names are called and people select their piece of paper wok to create suspense
readers know males draw the papers
readers watch every family participate
readers wonder what the papers signify
readers want to participate in the drawing
which quote from the morning of june 28 1948 best illustrates the idea that people in a group can behave dangerously
all i know is that when i came to read the story over i felt strongly that i didnt want to fuss with it
by the next week i had had to change my mailbox to the largest one in the post office and casual conversation with the postmaster was out of the question because he wasnt speaking to me
it had simply never occured to me that these milliong and millions of people might be so far from being uplifted that they would sit down and write me letters i was downright scared to open
the new yorker never published any omment of any kind about the story in the magazine but did issue one publicity release saying that the story had received more mail than any piece of fiction they had ever published
choose the correct type of person for the blank in the following
many horror and suspense stories such as the lottery use stereotypical ____ instead of complex individuals because readers readily relate to them
stock characters
unreliable narrators

User Skos
7.1k points

1 Answer

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I can give you some. 1 is great determination, 2 is bothered, 3 is rowdy, 4 retribution, 5 is foil, 6 is balmy, 7 is coveted, 8 is cryptic, and 9 with the hunters, is an intense relationship between 2 hunters.

Step-by-step explanation:

You usually shouldn't write a book with your whole test on it. So I answered what I knew