Freedom is a privilege not everybody can enjoy.
Step-by-step explanation:
"It followed that the Syringa Street young, meeting him on the street, sometimes stopped their noses as they passed him by—a form of torment all the more acute when Mr. Duvitch had to share it with the children that happened to be with him."
This proved that people did not like Mr. Duvitch because of his job.
"Before she could put a stop to it, some of their classmates scoffed at the leaf, lard and black bread sandwiches they ate for lunch, huddled in one corner of the recreation room, dressed in their boiled-out ragpickers' clothes. After school, they headed straight for home, never lingering on the playground,"
This proved how his children were not accepted either.
"Overjoyed to have neighbors in his house, he was so full of himself that I was conscious of an invisible stature in him which made him seem quite as tall as Father. He beamed and feasted his eyes on us. Saying very little, he managed to make us feel a great deal and he constantly sought his wife's eyes with glances of delight over the wonder of what was happening,"
This was his reaction when he was finally accepted by his neighbors. You could see how happy he was.
(Anyways, tell me if you need more.)