Music can have a profound positive influence in a person’s life. I can relate it to my own personal experience. A year ago, my mother was ill. She was suffering from a high fever and other physical concerns. Although the doctor had advised medications, she was in a gloomy mood. I remember taking her to a different city to a well-known doctor. He advised an important addition to medications, telling me to keep her happy and cheerful for a speedy recovery. I kept reminding her of pleasant memories, asked her friends to visit her, and cooked her favorite dishes. These helped her, but the one thing that helped her most was music. She listened to her favorite tracks all day long. I was so glad to see her getting better that I brought home more CDs of soothing music that helped as therapy. Today, my mother is healthy and back to her normal self. I owe music a lot for helping with her speedy recovery.
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