Frontal lobe-When the frontal lobe's neurons or tissue are damaged, personality problems, trouble focusing or planning, and impulsivity can result.
Temporal lobe-inability to comprehend spoken speech (Receptive Aphasia) selectively paying attention to what we see and hear might cause disturbance. a challenge in classifying and identifying items. a challenge in learning and remembering new information.
Occipital lobe-Vision deficits include blindness or blind spots, visual distortions, and visual inattention can result from injury to the occipital lobes. The visual identification, visual attention, and spatial analysis are only a few of the behaviors and cognitive processes that the occipital lobes are linked to.
Parietal lobe-Right-Visual-spatial deficiencies may result from damage to this region (e.g., the patient may have difficulty finding their way around new, or even familiar, places). Left-Damage to the left parietal lobe may impair a person's capacity to comprehend spoken and/or written language.