Ok i will Here you go.Thts only 155 words so if you want to add on something else you can
Step-by-step explanation:
Hey ( friends name) its me ( your name ),I just got a new computer and I just finished setting it up! I just bought it earlier around ( time) . I was just gonna go to the store to get some ( what) and then I saw it and I was like OMG I have to get that!! Its super big and has super fast internet,Oh yeah and its Black with ( color) ( like stripes or dots or whatever).I think i'm still gonna keep my old computer for school but i'm using this new one for games and stuff I think,I'm super happy now because no i can play games on a bigger screen because before i had to play on my phone and i couldn't play on my school computer cuz it was blocked and now i can play on this! Anyways i just wanted to let you know that I will message you on this computer now.
Your( Bestie,gf,bf),
( your name)