Read each segment and try to figure out what the author is saying to the reader.
However, chldren are slightly more likely than their
parents to watch TV alone. Kids view solo in about 17 percent
of the cases where we record TV viewing as the primary
activity, mothers and fathers watch alone in only 6 percent
and 13 percent of the cases, respectively. We also found that
children much more frequently watch TV in a bedroom
(34 percent of primary TV observations, alone or with
others) than either of their parents (9 percent for mothers and
10 percent for fathers). Indeed, the socially isolating potential
of TV appears higher among families that have more than one
TV set in the home. Children in families that have TVs in one
or more bedroom spaces are more likely to watch TV alone
than children in families that do not have a TV in a child's or
parents' bedroom.
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