1. Yes and No. Speaking from the POV in which penguins are better of packed together than spread out since they are all focused on a specific region which is the southern hemisphere at the south pole I don't think spreading them out even when having the same exact species would help them survive since they need one another, but speaking in a different POV where multiple species are put in every cold region then yes it may work and it may also benefit in science fields to help ease the search of species and studies of them as well as the habitat of penguins themselves.
2. Penguins share many adaptations because of the idea of them only living in a cold, freezing region. Like, they spent half their time in water and the other half on land. Added to that, all penguins swim very fast due to webbed legs which helps them in surviving in a 100% water environment since Ice is technically frozen water. And they share many more adaptations all because of the cold region habitat they all share.
( I didn't really understand the 3rd one but Ill give it my own opinion )
3. Different geographical locations as I mentioned in the first question also speaks of how penguins wouldn't really survive much without being with their own species or their own type of penguins if that makes sense, although they are predators sometimes the environment might not give them the needed resources like food, warmth, strong legs to swim. Some baby penguins might grow up weak which would lead to weak physical structure which decreases the rate of survival because of not eating well nor keeping a healthy penguin routine that they usually do on the populated area of penguins in the southern hemisphere. So, weak physical structure leads to penguins not having their capabilities of being the predator in the environment and swimming as fast as others. Different environments and geographical locations may have an effect on this depending on penguin species but that's all I know.
I hope this helped :) .
Step-by-step explanation: