Match each definition of the word literal with the sentence that best illustrates its meaning:
Sentence: The common text LOL lacks a literal meaning.
Definition: relating to or expressed in letters
Sentence: The witness told the literal truth before the judge.
Definition: free from exaggeration or embellishment
Sentence: Equality in the literal sense is unreasonable.
Definition: sticking to the primary meaning of a term
Sentence: The translation device gave a literal translation.
Definition: reproduced word for word
The word "literal" has multiple definitions, but they all relate to its core meaning of "true" or "without exaggeration." The sentences above illustrate the different ways in which the word "literal" can be used.
The literal meaning of the word "dog" is a four-legged mammal that is often kept as a pet. The sentence "It's raining cats and dogs" is not meant to be taken literally. It is a figurative expression that means it is raining very heavily.