Step-by-step explanation:
Suzanne Collins' "The Hunger Games" is set in a dystopian society where 'volunteers' from the twelve Districts are made to play a game to 'win' provisions for their respective districts. The story deals with themes of survival, inequality, appearance, reality, etc.
Chapter 16 of the book is where Katniss Everdeen and Rue work together to try to destroy the Career's pyramid of supplies. While Rue distracts the Careers away from the pyramid, Katniss was thinking how to best get to the supplies without getting hurt. It was then that she saw a girl tribute from District 5, whom she nicknamed "Foxface" come to the pyramid and steal the supplies. Then, Katniss realized the pyramid is surrounded by active landmines. So, she began targeting apples in the pyramid and the falling apples set off the bombs, sending Katniss backwards from the explosion.