Step-by-step explanation:
The book begins in an undisclosed part of India where the Lennox family lives. Their home is large and filled with servants, but it is an unhappy place for young Mary, who is largely ignored by her parents.
Then Mary is sent to Yorkshire, England, to live with her uncle. While India had been teeming with people, her new home is isolated on a moor that is cold and desolate when she arrives.
Main Characters:
Mary Lennox
Colin Craven
Dickon Sowerby
Martha Sowerby
Ben Weatherstaff
Archibald Craven
Lilias Craven
Susan Sowerby
Mrs. Medlock
Dr. Craven
One definition of magic that the novel provides is the conception of magic as a kind of life forceāit enables Colin to stand, and the flowers to work out of the earth. It is also aligned with the Christian God.
One of the book's underlying themes is the way in which happiness begets happiness, and misery begets only more of itself. For example, the fact that Master Craven is sad ensures that he will continue to be sad, and will make those around him similarly dismal.
Plot Conflict:
The major conflict in The Secret Garden is between each character and their own negativity. The garden becomes a healing force in their lives.
After all those days Colin has been walking secretly. They reveal all their secrets to Archibald Craven and Marta, all of them remain happy once their secrets are revealed.