5 votes
Everybody give a blow by blow of their school life so far, here is mine as an example:

Pre-K: The trouble maker Kindergarten: The one who told everybody stuff about the airplanes my dad works on 1st grade: The smartest one in the class 2nd grade: had a lot of friends that supported me when my house burned down, even my teacher. 3rd grade: The athletic one in the class 4th grade: Was nice around teachers and cussed and did stupld shlt when they weren't looking 5th grade: I was even worst, got into fights, but still had alot of friends 6th grade: had a lot of friends, did stupld shlt and was the best in the band. 7th grade: I cheat a lot on my assignments, took up vaping and weed, lost touch with my friends and did even more stupld shlt.

2 Answers

3 votes


Ok, here it goes.....

Step-by-step explanation:

Pre-K: The cry baby, I always cried about everything

Kindergarten: Had a lot of friends, got into fights with boys, lol (I'm a girl)

1st grade: The trouble maker, I got into trouble a lot

2nd grade: The dummy, I was the du.mbest student in class.

3rd grade: I was the nerd and "teacher's pet", I was the smartest kid in class.

4th grade: I was lonely, because I had fake friends and got rid of them. So, I started doing sports and became the athletic one.

5th grade: I made a ton of friends, real friends. I was nice and one of the best students, but I cussed with my friends.

6th grade: I was the athlete, and one of the popular.

7th grade: I'm in 7th grade rn so, I don't know yet, lol.

User Italktothewind
7.0k points
2 votes


woah well

Step-by-step explanation:

pre-k: never been there

kindergarten: I was I Angel but I brat who thought every one need her (no cared) I was a very go around child I was weird

1 grade: teachers pet but still good

and um to lazy to finish but let me tell you 6th grade was ruff

User Juniorbansal
6.0k points