Answers in bold and underlined.
Answer 1: Estrella y Javier ya terminaron su carrera en negocios, pero no querían endeudarse y trabajaron mientras estudiaban para pagarse los estudios. Ahora tienen que estudiar dos años más para graduarse.
Translation 1: Estrella and Javier have already finished their career in business, but they did not want to get into debt and they worked while they studied to pay for their studies. Now they have to study two more years to graduate.
Answer 2: Como su consejero hizo, yo también les animo a viajar como estudiantes internacionales, pero no lo hice. ¡Qué pena! Ahora ellos tendrían experiencia internacional.
Translation 2: As their counselor did, I also encourage them to travel as international students, but I didn't. What a pity! Now they would have international experience.
Answer 3: Sin embargo, me alegro de que ellos no tengan muchas deudas estudiantiles. Ahora acumularian una gran deuda ya como el resto de sus compañeros. Estrella y Javier han sido inteligentes.
Translation 3: However, I'm glad they don't have a lot of student debt. Now they would accumulate a great debt like the rest of their companions. Estrella and Javier have been smart.