1. Finish Orgon's description of Tartuffe in Act 2: "He is a holy man and____poor.
a. Honestiv
b. Sadly
c. Gratefully
d. Nobly
2. What does Cleante describe Orgon's descriptions of Tartuffe as near the end of Act
a. Simply garbage
b. Hearty smut
c. Dirty lies
d. Pure rot
3. Who hides in the room while Orgon and Mariane talk at the beginning of Act 2?
a. Valere
b. Elmire
c. Tartuffe
d. Dorine
4. Who is the third person to enter the scene in Act 5?
a. Dorine
b. Elmire
c. Mariane
d. Damis
5. Who says, "You may soon feel upon your black soutane, Monsieur Bailiff, the heavy
weight of this cane"?
a. Cleante
b. Damis
c. Elmire
d. Orgon
6. Who says, "What can I think about what you're saying except that your blindness is
quite dismaying!"?
a. Cleante
b. Dorine
c. Mariane
d. Elmire
7. What does Mariane do towards Orgon just before begging him to not make her
marry Tartuffe? Hugs him.
a. Kneels
b. Runs away
c. Cries
8. Who does Madame Pernelle slap in Act 1?
a. Filipote
b. Dorine
c. Elmire
d. Damis
9. What does Orgon refer to Dorine, Cleante, Mariane, and Elmire's suggestions that
Tartuffe is an imposter in Act 4?
a. Fantasy and fairy tales
b. Lies
c. Wishful thinking
d. Silly gossip
10. Who does Dorine say has "little ways" of convincing Tartuffe in Act 3?
a. Elmire
b. Mariane
c. Damis
d. Orgon
11. What does Elmire ask Tartuffe to do when he first enters the room in Act 4?
a. Open the window
b. Bring her some water
c. Kiss her hand
d. close the door
12. Whose arm does Orgon threaten to break near the end of Act 3?
a. Damis
b. Tartuffe's
c. Elmire's
d. Dorine's
13. Who appears at the door of Orgon's house with Tartuffe in Act 59
a. A police officer
b. The king
c. Cleante
d. The court bailiff
14. Who says, "The mere thought of this ingratitude makes me suffer from a torture so
a. Damis
b. Cleante
c. Tartuffe
d. Orgon
15. Who does Damis refer to as a "vulgar coxcomb" in Act 3?
a. Cleante
b. Elmire
c. Tartuffe
d. Orgon
16. Who says, "Don't put on that scrupulous air while your actions injure a rightful heir"
a. Damis
b. Orgon
c. Tartuffe
d. Cleante
17. Which of the following does Orgon NOT say regarding Tartuffe during his
conversation with Mariane in Act 2?
a. He is handsome
b. That he should be her husband
c. He warms the heart
d. His merits shine like a peal
18. What does Madame Pernelle tell her son people are telling him in regards to Tartuffe
in Act 5P?
a. Gibberish
b. The truth
c. Facts
d. Lies and hearsay.
19. Finish the sentence: "An order to evict both you and yours, put your furniture out
and lock the___"
a. Doors
b. Windows
c. Brilds
d. Minds
20. Who is Cleante's sister in the play?
a. Elmire
b. Mariane
c. Dorine
d. Madame Pernelle
21. What is the name of Tartuffe's servant?
a. Dorine
b. Filipote
c. Laurent
d. Mariane
22. Whom does Madame Pernelle call "a bold lassy" in Act 1?
a. Dorine
b. Filipote
c. Mariane
d. Elmire
23. Who tells Orgon that Tartuffe has shown his friend's papers to someone in Act 5?
a. Valere
b. The court bailiff
c. Cleante
d. Damis
24. What is Mariane's response to Valere when he asks her what she thinks of her
father's decision for her to marry Tartuffe?
a. it will not happen
b. it can't be true
c. I don't know
d. What do you think?
25. Finish the sentence: "Let's join forces, I beg you, and try through skill or cunning to
undo the vicious scheme that's left us all so___.
a. Sad
b. Lonely
c. Broken
d. Troubled
26. What does Tartuffe tell his servant to "lock up" before dismissing him in Act 3?
a. His shoes and pants
b. His hair shirt and scourge
c. His hat and cane
d. His balks and papers
27. What does Tartuffe do when Orgon confronts him with Damis' claims near the end of
Act 3?
a. Prays
b. Denies it
c. Cries
d. Confesses and apologizes
28. Finish the sentence: "Nowhis claims are well-armed; and the ingrate seeks to
become master of your___.
b. Estate
c. Riches
d. Domain
29. Who says, "I'Il stoke up the fires of his insolent heart and give a free field to this base
a. Mariane
b. Elmire
c. Orgon
d. Dorine
30. What does Dorine do every time Orgon turns towards her during their argument in
Act 2?
a. Closes her eyes
b. Stops talking
c. Pleads with him
d. Looks away