A gate-array logic circuit for the equation x² + 3xy - 14 = output could be designed as follows:
First, we need to calculate x² and 3xy. This can be done using AND, OR, XOR, and NOT gates.
Next, we need to add the two values obtained in step 1 using a full-adder circuit.
Finally, we need to subtract 14 from the sum obtained in step 2. This can be done using a subtractor circuit, which is essentially a full-adder circuit with an additional input for the subtrahend (in this case, 14).
Here is a schematic of the gate-array logic circuit:
| |
X--| AND/OR/XOR/NOT |---x²
Y--| AND/OR/XOR/NOT |---3xy
| |
x²--| Full |---(x² + 3xy)
3xy--| Adder|
| |
(x² + 3xy)--| Sub |---output
14--| tract|
Note that this is just one possible way to design the circuit, and there may be other ways to achieve the same result.