One reason for trade defeat in Nepal could be the lack of access to global markets. Nepal is a landlocked country, surrounded by India and China, which can make it difficult for Nepali goods to reach international markets. Additionally, Nepal lacks the infrastructure, such as ports and airports, necessary for exporting goods on a large scale. This can make it challenging for Nepali businesses to compete in the global market, leading to trade defeat.
Another reason for trade defeat in Nepal could be the lack of investment in the country's domestic industries. Without adequate investment in technology, equipment, and training, Nepali businesses may struggle to produce goods that are competitive in the global market. This can lead to trade defeat as Nepali businesses are unable to sell their products at a price that is competitive with those of other countries.
Finally, trade defeat in Nepal could also be caused by barriers to trade, such as tariffs and other trade barriers imposed by other countries. These barriers can make it more difficult for Nepali businesses to sell their products abroad, leading to trade defeat.