1. Use this resource to find out how to register in Michigan: Voter
Registration in Michigan | If you are 18, register now, you can use the
link to register now!
→ What is the deadline for online voter registration?
→ What is the deadline to register to vote by mail?
→ What is the deadline to register in person?
2. Watch this video: PBS: What would get young people to vote? These
teens have some ideas (2:59).
→ What ideas do you agree with?
→ What ideas do you disagree with?
3. Use the PBS: Youth Stand Up collection to learn about young civil
leaders, civic action exemplars, explainer videos, and a step-by-step process with
specific skills to identify, research, plan, and carry out change!
→ How do you see yourself engaging in civic participation to effect change?
→ Is there a civic leader from the video collection (or a civic leader in the news) that
you find inspiring?
→ What is your vision for your community, the United States, or even the world?