0 votes

1. The First Amendment protects the freedom of speech for all citizens.
But many misuse it to insult or attack individuals or minority groups. So, the
United States has laws which restrict freedom of speech in certain situations such
as false statements or offensive speech. However, there is no clear distinction as
to when certain speeches can be considered protected under the First
→ Use this resource to research free speech in America: Constitution USA with
Peter Sagal | Where Should Free Speech End? | PBS (9:31).
→ What is one example when this issue has come up? What did the courts say?
What is your opinion?

2. In 1927, Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis (pronounced
brandice) established the doctrine of counter speech. That is, when confronted
with speech we do not agree with, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not
enforced silence.
→ Use this resource to research counter speech doctrine: Counterspeech Doctrine |
The First Amendment Encyclopedia (mtsu.edu)
→ Do you agree with this idea?

3. US Government_Unit Activity_3_Civil Rights, Citizenship, and Civic Participation
Evaluate one of the resources used to complete Task 1. Answer the
following questions:
→ Who authored the source?
→ What is the purpose of the source?
→ When was the source created?
→ What is the credibility of the source?
→ Is there a noticeable bias?

4. Civic participation is an important part of a working democratic system. There are
many ways for a person to get involved in this process.
a. (10 points) Choose any issue that is relevant to you or that is currently being
discussed in your local or national news.
→ Explain what the issue is.
→ Explain why it is important.
→ Explain what state or federal legislators could do about i

5. Find out who represents you in the US House of Representatives, the
US Senate, or your state congressional body.
→ To find federal members: Find Your Members in the U.S. Congress |
Congress.gov | Library of Congress
→ To find state legislators: Find out who represents you in government | Who Are
My Representatives

1 Answer

2 votes

Answer 1

One example of an issue involving free speech in the United States is the case of Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, in which the Supreme Court ruled that students have a right to express their political views in school as long as it does not disrupt the educational process. In this case, a group of students wore black armbands to school to protest the Vietnam War and were suspended for doing so. The Court held that the First Amendment protects students' right to express their views, even if those views are controversial or unpopular.

My personal opinion is that while the First Amendment protects the right to freedom of speech, there should be limits on speech that is intended to harm or discriminate against individuals or groups. Speech that incites violence or lawlessness, or that is designed to intimidate or degrade others, should not be protected. However, speech that is merely offensive or disagreeable should be allowed, as long as it does not disrupt the ability of others to express themselves or go about their daily lives.

Answer 2

The doctrine of counter-speech suggests that the best way to combat speech that is disagreeable or offensive is to respond with more speech rather than trying to silence the original speaker. This idea is based on the belief that free and open dialogue is essential for a functioning democracy, and that the best way to expose the flaws in harmful or misguided ideas is to engage in respectful debate and discussion.

I agree with the idea of counter-speech in general, as long as the response is respectful and does not involve violence or threats. Engaging in respectful dialogue and debate can help to expose the flaws in harmful or misguided ideas, and can also provide an opportunity for individuals to learn from each other and come to a better understanding of different perspectives. However, there may be situations in which counter-speech is not effective or appropriate, such as when the original speaker is using their platform to spread hateful or dangerous ideas that are likely to incite violence or harm. In these cases, other measures may need to be taken to address the problem.

Answer 3

The source used in Task 1 was Constitution USA with Peter Sagal, a documentary series about the United States Constitution. The series was created and hosted by Peter Sagal, a journalist, and radio host. The purpose of the series is to provide information about the history and interpretation of the Constitution, with a focus on the First Amendment. The series was created in 2013.

The credibility of the source is good, as it is produced by PBS, a reputable public television network, and is based on research and interviews with constitutional scholars and experts. The series presents a balanced and nuanced view of the issues it covers, and does not appear to have a noticeable bias. Overall, Constitution USA with Peter Sagal is a reliable and informative resource for learning about the United States Constitution and the First Amendment.

Answer 4

One issue that is currently being discussed in the national news is climate change. Climate change is the long-term warming of the planet caused by the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, resulting in changes to the Earth's climate and weather patterns. It is a major concern because it is affecting the planet in a variety of ways, including rising sea levels, more frequent and severe natural disasters, and negative impacts on agriculture and biodiversity.

Climate change is an important issue because it has the potential to significantly impact the health, prosperity, and security of people around the world. It is a global problem that requires urgent action to address.

There are many ways that state and federal legislators could take action to address climate change. They could pass legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as by increasing the use of renewable energy sources, promoting energy efficiency, and regulating emissions from transportation and industry. They could also fund research and development of new technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and support initiatives to adapt to the impacts of climate change. Additionally, legislators could work to promote international cooperation on climate change, by participating in international agreements and negotiations to address the problem.

Suggestion 5

Just follow the instruction given.

User StrNOcat
7.4k points