look for points between the limit lines
You want to find 'a' and 'b' to satisfy ax +by ≤ z with the least possible difference from z, given that b-1 ≤ a ≤ b+1.
A graphing calculator can be helpful for this. The region ax+by≤z can be graphed, along with lines a=b±1. The grid point on or between the limit lines and closest to the region boundary is the one you're looking for.
In the attachment, we have used (x, y, z) = (23, 16, 82). The solution region is shaded orange, and the limit lines a=b±1 are drawn in blue. The point (a, b) = (2, 2) is seen to be the grid point on or between the limit lines and closest to the orange boundary line.
Additional comment
It may be helpful to use a=b to solve for their values: a=b=⌊z/(x+y)⌋, then compute the difference from z. That difference relative to the values of x and y will tell you whether it can be useful to increase 'a' or to increase 'b'.
In your problem, the a=b solution is 490/(64+7) ≈ 6.9. The value of z for a=b=6 is 426, which differs from 490 by 64. This is the value of x, so increasing 'a' by 1 will reduce the difference to zero, giving you (a, b) = (7, 6).
In the made-up problem we chose, (a, b) = (2, 2) gives z = 78 against a target of 82. The difference from target is less than either of x or y, so this is the best solution.