Answer: The wording may be confusing, but the problem is simple.
All they are asking you to do is to plot those x-y value pairs as data points on a graph. Doing that is very basic to science. In science, you put your data on a chart and look at how it shapes up to draw conclusions.
So your first point has x=325.0 and y=1.10,
your second point has x=348.9 and y=1.40, and so on.
If using pencil and paper, your best bet is to use graphing paper, or at least grid paper. Then your first step would be setting up the scale on the axes. You need to fit points with y values between 0.25 and 1.40, so you may want to set the scale on the y-axis so it covers the range from 0 to 1.6 at least (maybe even 0 to 2). Your x values are between 230.0 and 348.9, so you could set up your x-axis so that it includes 0 to 360 (or 0 to 400). Alternatively, you may not include x values all the way down to zero and set your x scale from 200 to 360 only,
The conclusion that you would draw from your plot is that the power seems to vary linearly with speed. The data points are almost in a straight line. They are not perfectly aligned, of course. There is always some variability in accurate data, but you can see a trend. You could draw a line that seems to fit the points best and use it to predict that the power at 250 rpm would be 0.44 hp for example.