In many South American countries, the traditional Christmas celebration is held on December 24th, known as Christmas Eve. This is because many South American countries, particularly those with a strong Catholic heritage, follow the tradition of the Mass of the Vigil, which is held on the evening of December 24th and commemorates the birth of Jesus. This Mass is an important part of the Christmas celebration for many Catholics, and is often followed by a festive dinner with family and friends.
On December 25th, Christmas Day, many South Americans continue to celebrate with family and friends, but the focus of the celebration tends to shift away from religious observances and towards more secular traditions, such as gift-giving and feasting. In some countries, such as Brazil, there may also be special church services and other religious observances on Christmas Day.
Overall, the Christmas celebration in South America tends to be a multi-day event, with the focus on December 24th and the Mass of the Vigil, and continuing with secular traditions and celebrations on December 25th and beyond.