Answer: In bold and underlined
1. Ayer yo Fui a la tienda para comprar comida.
Translation: Yesterday I went to the store to buy food.
2. Nosotros Comimos a las siete anoche.
Translation: We ate at seven last night.
3. Los muchachos Estudiaron para el examen.
Translation: The boys studied for the exam.
4.¿ Saliste tu con tus amigas la semana pasada?
Translation: Did you go out with your friends last week?
5. Ustedes fueron a la clase a las ocho.
Translation: You went to class at eight.
6. Mi mamá hizo lasaña de cenar anoche.
Translation: My mom made lasagna for dinner last night.
7. Uds Miraron Ia película nueva?
Translation: Did you watch the new movie?
8. Yo no Busque la información todavía.
Translation: I did not look for the information yet.
9. Nosotros no Dormimos bien anoche porque oímos un ruido extraño.
Translation: We didn't sleep well last night because we heard a strange noise.
10. Tú Corriste muy rápido en la carrera.
Translation: You ran very fast in the race.
11. Roberto Tomó la medicina sin quejarse.
Translation: Roberto took the medicine without complaining.
12. Usted no Entendió la prequnta.
Translation: You did not understand the question.