In Swift, you can use the max() function to find the maximum value in a list of integers. Here is an example of how you could use the max() function to implement a returnMax function:
func returnMax(list: [Int]) -> Int {
// Use the max() function to find the maximum value in the list
let maxValue = max(list)
// Return the maximum value
return maxValue
This function takes a list of integers as an input, and uses the max() function to find the maximum value in the list. It then returns the maximum value.
Here is an example of how you could use the returnMax function:
let list = [20, 3, 50, 1]
// Find the maximum value in the list
let maxValue = returnMax(list: list)
// Print the maximum value
print(maxValue) // Output: 50
In this example, the returnMax function is called with the list of integers as the input. The function returns the maximum value in the list, which is 50, and this value is printed to the console.