400 liters per day is equivalent to 105.66 gallons per week.
To convert from liters per day to gallons per week, we need to use the conversion factors for these units. One gallon is equivalent to 3.785 liters, and one week is equivalent to 7 days.
We can use these conversion factors to write the following conversion equation:
1 gallon/week = (3.785 liters/gallon) / (7 days/week)
We can then use this equation to convert 400 liters per day to gallons per week by multiplying the number of liters per day by the conversion factor. This gives us:
400 liters/day * (1 gallon/week) / (3.785 liters/gallon) / (7 days/week)
We can simplify this expression by canceling out the units that appear on both the numerator and denominator. This gives us:
400 / 3.785 / 7 = 105.66
Therefore, 400 liters per day is equivalent to 105.66 gallons per week