
Start by making a common denominator. That way we can just compare the numerators of the fractions and easily order then from least to greatest. Start by finding the LCM(least-common-multiple) of the denominators.
The LCM of 3, 4, and 5, is 60.
So let's make each of the fractions have a denominator of 60.
Start with
, no we have to solve for x, and since we multiply by 12 to get to 60 from 5, we multiply 2 by 12 as well.
Now do the same for each fraction.
, we multiply by 20, so

, we multiply by 12, so

, we multiply by 15, so

So now are new fractions are

Now just order these like normal since they have a common denominator.

Now revert them and make them there original values