The coordinates of B is (4, 7)
To find the answer for B, you have to do the inverse of the midpoint formula, which is M equals (x1 multiplied by x2, over 2; y1 multiplied by y2, over 2).
If you substitute in A's coordinates for x1 and y1, you come up with (3, 3) = (2+x, over 2; and -1+y, over 2)
If the x coordinate answer for AB was 3, you can create an equation like this to solve for B's x coordinate: 2+x over 2 equals 3.
you multiply 2 by 3 to get 6---> 2+x=6-----> x=4
If the y coordinate for AB was also three, you can create another equation to solve for B's y coordinate: -1+y over 2 equals 3.
you multiply 2 by 3 to get 6 again---->so -1+y=6---->y=7
so the answer for B's coordinates is (4, 7).