To find the prime factors of 28, we can start by dividing 28 by the smallest prime number, which is 2. 28 divided by 2 is 14, so 2 is a prime factor of 28. We can then divide 14 by the next smallest prime number, which is 2 again. 14 divided by 2 is 7, so 2 is also a prime factor of 28. We can repeat this process with the number 7, dividing it by the next smallest prime number, which is 3. 7 divided by 3 is 2 with a remainder of 1, so 3 is not a prime factor of 28. Since we have reached a number that is not divisible by any more prime numbers, we have found all of the prime factors of 28. In this case, the prime factors of 28 are 2 and 2.
To write 28 as a product of its prime factors, we simply need to multiply the prime factors together in the correct order. Since the prime factors of 28 are 2 and 2, and the factors are to be written in order from smallest to largest, we can write 28 as 2 x 2 = 4. This is the prime factorization of 28, and it shows that 28 can be expressed as a product of its prime factors.