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For this assignment, you will create a response to a self-selected fiction text. As you read, use the strategies you have learned to add to your own comprehension of the text. You will use a graphic organizer to help you use strategies with success.
Background Information
When choosing a fiction text, find something that interests you. Look for complex ideas and characters. Consider books that explore perspectives and cultures different from your own. Choose a book that matches your reading ability or provides an appropriate challenge for you.
When reading, use strategies to monitor and improve your comprehension. Questioning involves generating questions to ask yourself before, during, and after reading. You can also make predictions about the characters and the plot of a story. It is also important to use your background knowledge to build a connection to the text. These connections might be text-to-text, text-to-self, or text-to-world. Another important strategy is to control the pacing of your reading. If you do not understand a section of text, you can slow down or reread it. Lastly, taking notes or annotating is a key strategy that will help you improve your reading comprehension.

Self-selected fiction text
Student Guide

Assignment Instructions
For this project, you are expected to submit two things:
Your completed graphic organizer
The completed Connecting Questions section
Step 1: Prepare for the project.
Read through the guide before you begin so you know the expectations for this project.
If anything is not clear to you, ask your teacher for assistance.
Step 2: Choose a text and establish a purpose to read.
Choose a text to read. List your title in the graphic organizer at the end of this document.
Establish a purpose for reading and list it in the graphic organizer.
Step 3: Generate questions to ask before, during, and after reading.
Write two questions to ask yourself before you begin reading, two questions to ask yourself while you read, and two questions to ask yourself after reading. List your questions in the graphic organizer below.
Step 4: Read your text and monitor your comprehension.
Read your text.
Monitor comprehension and use reading strategies to improve comprehension.
Make adjustments by using reading strategies such as:
Changing pace
Using background knowledge
Annotating the text
Record your use of these reading strategies in the graphic organizer below.
Answer your during-reading and after-reading questions.
Step 5: Describe and make connections to the text.
Describe personal connections by answering question 1 in the Connecting Questions section of this document.
Make personal connections to the text by answering question 2 in the Connecting Questions section of this document.
Create connections between the text and the world around you by answering question 3 in the Connecting Questions section of this document.
Step 6: Use this checklist to evaluate your project.
If you can check each box below, you are ready to submit your project.
Did you identify a purpose for reading?
Did you generate questions to ask yourself before, during, and after reading the text?
Did you monitor your comprehension as you read?
Did you create connections by answering the three Connecting Questions at the end of this document?
Step 7: Revise and submit your project.
If you were unable to check off all of the requirements on the checklist, go back and make sure that your project is complete. Save your project before submitting it.
Turn in your graphic organizer and your Connection Questions to your teacher. Be sure that your name is on it.
Congratulations! You have completed your project.
Graphic Organizer
Use this graphic organizer to help you apply reading strategies to increase your reading comprehension.
Text you have chosen
Your purpose for reading
Questions You Have
Before reading 1.


During reading 1.


After reading 1.


Reading Strategies (List how you used each strategy and how it helped your comprehension.)

Changing pace

Using background knowledge

Annotating the text

Connecting Questions
Create connections to your text by answering the questions below.

1. How does this text relate to another text you have read? List similarities and differences.

2. How does this text connect to your life experiences? Are there similarities between you and one of the characters? Have you ever visited a similar setting?

3. What does this text tell you about society or the world around you? Connect events in the text to events in history, or connect issues in the text to issues we face today.

User BCran
6.9k points

2 Answers

1 vote


it my hard it

Step-by-step explanation:

1. With our Similarities/Differences of Two Texts lesson plan, students learn how to identify and articulate the similarities and differences between two texts. Our Similarities/Differences of Two Texts lesson plan teaches students how to find and describe the similarities and differences between two pieces of writing. During this lesson, students are asked to work collaboratively with a partner to complete an activity in which their teacher reads two texts about the same topic and they ...

2.There are many factors affecting how you respond to and interpret a given text, including: values, beliefs, ethnic heritage, cultural background, and personal experiences.

3.world connection is made when the reader uses information from the world to understand what he or she is reading. A wor l d connection comes from history, the news, and from your observations or knowledge about the place where you live or about world events. Watch this video to see an example of a text to world connection.

User Hanfei Sun
7.2k points
7 votes

Answer: 1. they both are extravagantly 2 different cons

2. it connects me by my life by having the same life syntactical

3. It tells me how everyone can have a goal or once

Step-by-step explanation:

ive had this assignment and got a 97%

User Satia
7.4k points