Africa and Europe have a long history of trade, which includes a significant textile trade that grew during the transatlantic slave trade. Profits were, however, obtained at the price of humanity.
The west coast of Africa was initially discovered by the Portuguese, who mostly traded in gold. In 1444, when they sold 235 Africans from the present-day Senegal, they started the transatlantic slave trade. The British joined in the trade in African people with John Hawkins’ expeditions from 1564.
Before the transatlantic slave trade, there were slavery systems in Africa (and throughout the rest of the world). The extent and inhumanity of the European exploitation of Africa, however, were unmatched. According to historians' best estimates, 12 million Africans were forcibly removed from their homes and transported across the Atlantic (although the figures may be much more). Millions of people perished while being arrested and transported. Africans in slavery were treated as "chattels" (possessions). Their children were born into slavery by default, and they had no rights.
The Egyptians provided unequivocal proof of highly developed African cultures existing thousands of years ago. Over many centuries, there were many more strong kingdoms and centers of study in Africa, such as the kingdoms of Mali, Songhay, Benin, and the Asante, which were all based on wealth from gold mining. Despite the evidence, Europeans continued to justify the enslavement of Africans by labeling them "savages," "uncivilized," and even "subhuman."
The over exploitation of Africa's natural riches was caused by European greed. Its citizens experienced unimaginable cruelty and enslavement. They were frequently shackled, subjected to whipping and branding with irons, and the women were frequently raped.
The plantation economy in the Americas and the Caribbean maintained these harsh circumstances. Africans who were held as slaves worked to produce highly profitable goods like cotton, sugar, and tobacco that were shipped to Europe. For wealthy Europeans who made enormous profits, the transatlantic trade was economically successful, but it was cruel and inhumane to millions of Africans.