Nitrate levels
Fertilizer runoff
Step-by-step explanation:
eutrophication is :
if there is a flood, water from a farm has a lot of fertilizer in it. fertilizer has a lot nitrates. nitrate is made from nitrogen
algae eat the nitrates and nutrients in the water
algae decreases the amount of oxygen in the water
too much algae consumes oxygen and blocks sunlight from underwater plants so low levels of photosynthesis
fish eat underwater plants and breathe oxygen thru its gills
can kill fish
eutrophication data example:
-high nitrate concentration
-pH of 10 (1 to 6 means its acid, 7 is Neutral, 8 to 14 is base)
-low dissolved oxygen levels
-temperature of 60°F
turbidity shows how cloudy is
pH shows
how much acid the water has
it shows how polluted the air is.
if air is polluted, the dirty air gets into the clouds and makes the rain acidic
National Geographic