Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel The Great Gatsby tells the story of Jay Gatsby, a mysterious and wealthy man who lives in the fictional town of West Egg. Though Gatsby is known for his lavish lifestyle and parties, very little is known about his past. One of the few facts readers are made aware of is that Gatsby attended Oxford before returning to America. He never, however, graduated from the prestigious university.
The exact reasons why Gatsby did not graduate from Oxford are never specifically outlined in the novel, but there is some speculation as to why this may be. One possible explanation is that Gatsby was simply not interested in completing his studies or attending classes. Despite having the opportunity to attend one of the most prestigious universities in the world, Gatsby was more focused on his goal of one day becoming a wealthy and powerful man in America. He may have felt that continuing his studies at Oxford would be a distraction from his ultimate goal, and so he chose to leave the university and begin his journey in the United States.
Another possible explanation for Gatsby's decision to leave Oxford is that he was not able to keep up with the academic demands of the university. Despite his natural intelligence
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