Theater: Comedy 61% Drama 39% Home: Comedy 60% Drama 40%
Theater: first add 57 and 36 to get the total amount, then do comedy/total, which is 57/93, when you divide this it equals 0.612. Multiply this by 100 and you get 61.2 %, repeat this formula for the rest: x or y/x+y x being one amount and y another amount. x+y is just the total amount. *If you don't care about how to do it look below*
Comedy: 57/93 x 100=61%
Drama: 36/93 x 100=39%
Comedy: 78/131 x 100=60%
Drama: 53/131 x 100=40%
This totally might be late so you don't need it anymore, welp good luck anyway!